Walmart Canada Shelfie Instagram 30 Day Giveaway

🍁Welcome to the Walmart Canada Shelfie Instagram 30 Day Giveaway! A long name, but amazing opportunity for our beloved neighbors to the north!🍁


This giveaway begins 2/6/19 and runs until 3/8/19. Each day of our 30 Day Giveaway we will gift & ship one randomly-chosen classic bag from our Walmart line to one lucky winner!


For a chance to win you have to take a Shelfie—AKA a picture of yourself in front of JJB Walmart packaging at a Canadian Walmart store—and post it on your Instagram page with the correct guidelines!


We will pick one Shelfie a day as a winner, but you can post as many Shelfies as you would like to increase your chances of being selected… so #jjbshelfie away🤳🏻🤳🏻🤳!


To be eligible to win, you must follow these Guidelines:


  1. Be a Canadian resident
  2. Take a Shelfie of yourself in front of Jujube packing in a Walmart store
  3. Post your Shelfie on your Instagram account
  4. Tag three people in your Shelfie post
  5. Each Shelfie post should have three different people tagged, no repeat tags
  6. Have #jjbshelfie written in your Shelfie post
  7. Agree to post an Instagram selfie with your bag upon receipt of your prize, if you are a winner
  8. Be OK with us reposting your selfie pic with your prize!
  9. Must be down with winning gorgeous, free, Jujube!


Disclaimer: Must be a Canadian resident with mailing address in Canada to mail your prize, Shelfies must clearly display Jujube products in a Walmart store, posts must be free of content that would be deemed offensive to the average viewer, xxxxx