Real people, real moments. Welcome to our latest #JJBReal Behind the Scenes! Our second spotlight is on Kathleen—the winner of our #JJBReal Photo Contest a few weeks ago. If Kat had to give her life a headline, it would read “From Single Mom to Finding Love to Moving to a New Country to Twin Momma”. Her mantras are ”Living the Dream” and “The Best is Yet to Come!” Her example of working hard to achieve her dreams even though life isn’t always easy inspires us. Read on to learn more about Kat’s #realmom life! We fell in love with her and know you will, too!
Tell us about yourself!
My name is Kathleen, known as ‘Kat’ to many and my best-est friends call me ‘Meow’! I’m a mom of three and a wife of a Marine Corps Veteran. I’m from the Philippines. It took me a while to find ‘the one’. Josh is my husband and the greatest dad (and stepdad) I could ask for. We got engaged in 2015, married in 2017 and moved to the US that same year. It was quite an adjustment living in a new place half way around the globe away from my family. I’ve always wanted another child and Josh told me God gave us twins because I prayed so hard!
Ahhhh, love that—tell us about your kiddos?
I have three girls – a teenager and twins! Ira is 13 years old and loves cheering. Her team won the National Championship last year! My twins, Cam and Sam, are almost two! You can imagine what I’m dealing with at the moment – Teenage Drama and ‘Double’ Terrible Twos! 😊 The age gap between my children is 11 years. It is pretty overwhelming but I wouldn’t want it any other way!
What is your favorite thing to do as a family on the weekend?
We don’t go out much as a family and it’s by choice. We prefer just staying at home during weekends. Just lounging, playing and simply enjoying each other’s company, enjoying a home cooked meal (my husband is a good cook!) and telling stories. Each of us have different schedules during the week and we make up for it with more time together during the weekend. Summer is when we go out more often. I love the beach so much and I only wish we could live close to one.
Tell us about your hobbies (or what your hobbies will be when you aren’t chasing twin toddlers! Haha.)
I enjoy crafting and sewing. I actually made my own prom dress! I’m a Computer Engineer but it is merely I title I never lived. I got pregnant with my first child right after college graduation and I chose to raise her over pursuing a career. I was a single mom then and worked from home. I made crafts for money to support us.
I enjoy running and even completed two half marathons (without training)! Well, that was dumb and both were terrible finishes, haha. I would love to try another one in the future if I have the chance.
What is your go-to bag and favorite print?
The BFF is my first love. It is the only diaper bag my hubby willingly carries! I love using it on day trips to an amusement park. It is very functional! If it’s a quick trip to the grocery, I take the Mini Ever. If it’s a walk in the neighborhood, I take the Petite, Hipster or Mini BFF. If it’s pool or beach time I take the Encore, SuperBe or Be Light.
My essentials are the Be Quick and Be Set. They’re in every big bag I own (JJB or not). I actually have two Be Quicks that always stay in my car to hold my diapering needs for the twins, kinda like my “backup” because you never know!
Queen of the Nile is my MOST FAVORITE print. I simply love stripes in black and white combinations. I have it in the BFF, Better Be, MiniBe and Be Quick. I’m so pumped with the latest release and I got myself the BRB, Petite, Grab n’ Go and Hipster. I think they will not disappoint! Sketch, Duchess and Gray Matter are my next favorites.

Tell us about one of your realest #realmom moments.
Sleepless Nights with Newborn Twins. They woke up at different times for feedings at night, so that left me waking up almost every hour. I don’t miss this at all! It took me a long time to figure out what works best for us and I feel proud of myself that I was able to survive that sleep schedule for 8 months until the twins started sleeping through the night.
Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression. It’s tough recalling this because it seriously took a hit on our marriage. I’m just happy I’m over it and our marriage has gotten stronger since.
What do you do for self-care?
You mean to keep my sanity? I go shopping a lot! I don’t think that’s considered self-care for most, but I always feel the need of having “ME-time”. So I go somewhere and it could simply be for groceries. I tell my husband “I’m going to Target to buy diapers” and I’m back home 6 hours later! At first, he’d ask where I’d been and why it took me that long. Over time he learned that’s my way of telling him I need some time alone and he takes charge of the kids. Some days when I don’t feel like going out, an hour soak in the bathtub with music is just as satisfying.
Thank you so much for sharing a piece of your life with us! You are inspiring and sound like an amazing wife, mother and person!
Smooches from Team JuJuBe. xo